The Temple

of divine feminine arts



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The Temple of Divine Feminine Arts is located on the breathtaking Island of Mallorca surrounded by the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean.

It is both a physical space & an energetic one, in that the sacred island events are held in a beautiful indoor venue & in the magnificent surrounding outdoors among the wild nature of the Island.

The Island itself is an oasis of elegance and calm and has long been home to painters and poets from around the globe, with people drawn to the relaxed way of life, endless sunshine, rich culture and picturesque combination of forested hillside and glimmering deep blue of the Mediterranean ocean.

Mallorca is a powerhouse of spiritual energy that holds capacity for a deeper experience. Its pre-historic heritage and connection to the Sacred Feminine is a dynamic container for uplifting and up-leveling.

  • The Temple of Divine Feminine Arts was created by Julia Mander, to support both men & women on their soul journey by creating a safe & sacred community where the ancient teachings of the mystery schools & the Rose lineage can be shared freely with those who need them.

    From exciting & unique events like Silent Island Yoga & Silent Island Hikes, Divine Feminine Retreats, Moon ceremonies, Cosmic Dance gatherings under the Island’s starry skies, to facilitate Elemental Sound & Movement experiences, the Temple offerings are designed to awaken the ancient codes within your DNA of your natural sacred divinity & to support your soul’s purpose in this life journey.

  • The Temple is open to everyone, men & women alike who seek truth, adventure, freedom, community & all the wisdom the Rose Lineage teachings & Julia can provide.

    This is a safe & nurturing space dedicated to the growth & expansion of each individuals gifts & soul.

  • The Temple events take part on the Island of Mallorca among the Island’s natural elements, from the beaches to the mountains but the true essence of The Temple events is about activating the divine temple that dwells within one’s own self.

    Remembering our inner sacred temple, our own untouchable place of power, strength & grace and allowing the Island to be the catalyst to awaken this remembering is the intention behind all my offerings.

    I also travel to create spaces wherever they are needed in the world.

Julia Mander holding hand to heart


☥ ▽ ☾

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explore the iSland Temple Offerings



Calendar of Upcoming Temple Events



Book your
temple experience

Choose your desired event.
Book your ticket.
See you in the Temple.

Linn sitting with hands over heart

cLient Love

“If you want to go beyond, to a higher state of consciousness, greater understanding, love and deep connectedness both to yourself and others, then I recommend you to join Julia. 

Through sound, movement, chant and light language activations she heals and empowers in sacred circles.

Julia is a priestess of ancient wisdom but also a heart sister. She knows how to hold space for everyone and to bring light, joy and love into our hearts. 

To me she represents authenticity & deep wisdom. Two things that are rare to find nowadays but that most people long for. I also appreciate the closeness to nature in all her teachings. Since many of Julias’s circles are held outdoors you always feel connected to the elements and the divine flowing through nature, me, you, us all.”


Being on the island imparts
an alchemy into your mission.
its higher frequencies facilitate quantum leaps & shifts within yourself & allow for a deeper experience.

Julia Mander



Katja smiling with rose

cLient Love

“Julia is my soul sister.In her ceremonies you will find through her sensitivity in every each detail the pure essence of love.

The priestess in her heals old wounds and connects you with your own divinity, your pure femininity and activates the power as woman.

She is guiding you softly and full of love through ceremony and touches you in your heart.

Simply deep and powerful but also soft, sensitive and full of joy.”



The Island Temple gallery